Ambarawa Railway Museum, Long Path of History

Ambarawa district is another center of attraction in Semarang Regency. Apart from charming view of mountain and lake with its perfect weather, Ambarawa preserves history of the nation’s long journey. Railways, a precious product of modern transportation history, is well kept at Ambarawa Railway Museum.

Ambarawa Railway Museum is situated downtoen, in the historic complex where lies the Museum of Isdiman Palagan Ambarawa and Benteng Willem II. It was Willem I railway station organized by Netherlands Railway Company then Ambarawa railway station after Indonesian independence. No longer in service, Ambarawa railway station changed into a museum specifically for exhibiting everything regarded to development of railways in Indonesia. Its most precious collections are 21 locomotives made between 1891-1966. With very cheap admission ticket, visitors can learn a lot of history of railways.
Among historical locomotives kept in Ambarawa Railway Station is C2821 from locomotive type C28. It is the one standing at the front yard of the museum. Being able to reach 110 kph, it was the fastest narrow gauge railway locomotive of the time. This locomotive was the copy of one taking the first Indonesia’s President and Vice President, Mr. Soekarno and Mr. Hatta, from Jakarta to Yogyakarta in 3 Januari 1946 during the first Dutch millitary agression. Type C28 is a narrow gauge railway (1.067 mm) locomotive made by Henschel, Hartmann Chemnitz, and Esslingen, Germany between 1921-1922.
Another locomotive presenting great story from the past is D5106. Made by Hartmann Chemnitz, Germany in 1920, this locomotive was similar to one serving in famous Hejaz Railway, the railway connecting Damascus and Medina built to relieve the suffering of the hajis on their forty day journey to Medina and Mecca.

The Dutch called CC50 “Berkoningin”, meaning the Queen of Mountain. It is the locomotive made by Schweizerische Lokomotiv und Maschinenfabrik Winterthur, Switzerland and Werkspoor, Netherlands. In its gilded age, CC50 was able to make good maneuver on the railroad on hilly terrain. Thus, this type was operated in the rough terain of Ambarawa and Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. The most technically interesting collection is F1002, a locomotive made by Hanomag train yard, Germany. F1002 and all locomotives of this type is internationally famous as Javanic. Built in 1913, this is a twelve-coupled locomotive with massive power. This kind of locomotive was widely used in Preanger mountain lines and West Java and west coast of Sumatra until early 70’s.

Besides, Ambarawa Railway Museum also preserves C54, the pride of Semarang Chirebon Stoomtram Maatscappij (SCS), C51, the pride of Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maatscappij (NIS), and B2503, a locomotive built in 1902 by Esslingen, Germany. Apart from steady steam locomotive collections, there is also  available famous attraction of taking old train through villages, vast paddy field, and hilly terrain of Ambarawa. For a 6,5 km trip from Ambarawa Railway Museum to Bedono and Jambu Train stations, each passenger must pay a ticket of IDR2-3 million. A train with smaller locomotive is available to take its passenger from Ambarawa Railway Museum to Tuntang Station. With a ticket of only IDR10,000.00, passenger can enjoy a 4 km journey on railroad passing scenic villages and teakwood forest.