Arts and Crafts in South Korea

South Korea is a country known for its immensely rich culture. Being the powerhouse of art and craft, it simply excels in every form of performing art and handicraft. Thus if you are planning a holiday in South Korea then simply will not be able stay away from its contagiously fascinating culture. Arts and Crafts in South Korea include everything from painting, sculpture, pottery, architecture and even performing arts like music and dance. Boasting a long history and strong background South Korean Art and Craft is undoubtedly brings you closer to the real essence of the nation.

Painting in South Korea has always been a glorious form of South Korean Art. It tells the story of South Korea in pictorial form. The works of art belonging to various genres and time periods depict various aspects of the Korean lifestyle. What started as wall painting gradually spread to distinctive styles like Calligraphy Paintings, Tiger Chase Paintings, Korean Scenery Paintings, Realistic Sceneries, Patterns of Birds and Flowers and many more. Most of the masterpieces of South Korean Painting can be seen in the National Museum of Korea, situated in Seoul

Another very expressive form of South Korean Art is the Sculpture in South Korea. It began during the Stone Age and continued with the formations bronze, earthenware and clay figurines. Traditional South Korean Sculpture saw a great influence of Buddhism while the modern period moved on to more abstract motifs. Another form of the Arts and Crafts in South Korea which has such a long history is the Pottery in South Korea. Ranging from earthenware and jade pottery to stoneware and Whiteware, it is the simply unique. Believed to have magic in their fingers the regional artisans have taken South Korean Pottery to a different level.

Architecture of South Korea is another of the various forms of arts and crafts in South Korea which has bettered itself even after the years of modifications. It is known for its simplicity, openness and innovation. At present Korean Style of Architecture is the result of a lot of experimentation, influences and new concepts. If you visit Korea you will see an interesting assortment of private houses, temples, shrines and gates and even high-rising buildings adjacent to ancient royal palaces.

Music and Dance in South Korea is another important part of Arts and Crafts in South Korea. They are the best forms of expression of the country men. They have a song to sing and a dance to perform in every occasion, be it festivals, religious ceremonies, weddings or even for mere entertainment. Touched with grace and creativity, South Korean Music and Dance is surely captivating.