Duomo - Naples, Italy

The Cathedral of Naples might not be as impressive as some in other Italian cities, but it merits a visit nonetheless. It was consecrated in 1315 and was built in the Gothic style. There have been several changes over the centuries and each part of the duomo is from a different era. The altar is said to contain the blood of the patron saint of Naples, St. Gennaro.

Many believe that St. Gennaro might have been a Christian adaptation of the Roman God, Janus. The church contains two vials of the saint's blood, said to liquefy and boil three times annually.

Special Events

Sponsored by the Council of Naples, the festival of Maggio dei Monumenti (May of Monuments) has events over every weekend over the month of May. Its theme varies each year. One of the events most tourists look forward to is the guided walk through the interesting and historic districts of the city, which includes the numerous underground passages.

There are also a number of exhibitions and fair in the month of May. These vary from operettas and classic Neapolitan songs to horse races and football matches. The Naples tourist office will give you details of all performances.

If you are in Naples on the first Sunday in May, on the 19th of Spetember or the 16th of December you will see thousands gathered at the cathedral for Festa di San Gennaro. This is the city’s biggest festival in honour of San Gennaro. The people pray that the saint’s blood will liquefy. It is a belief among the people that this miracle will save the city form all potential disasters.

Other important festivals include Madonna do Carmine (16th July), the Neapolis Rock Festival (in summer) andMadonna di Piedigrotto (5th-12th Sept and during Christmas).