Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,586m)

Kanchanjunga, at 8,586m, is the third-highest peak in the world and the second-highest in Nepal. It was first climbed by a British team in 1956. The peak consists of four summits. The west summit, Yalung Kang, is 8420m high and some people classify it as a separate 8000m. Peak.
The first Westerner to explore Kanchanjunga was the British botanist JD Hooker, who visited the area twice in 1848 and 1849. Exploration of the Sikkim, side of the peak continued with both British and pundit explorers mapping and photographing until 1899. In that year a party led by Douglas fresh field made a circuit of Kanchanjunga and produced what is still one of the most authoritative maps of the region.

Exploration continued, mostly from the Sikkim side, starting from Darjeeling in British India. One of the major contributors to Western knowledge about the region was Dr AM Kellas, who later died in Tibet during the approach of the 1921 Everest expedition. German expeditions attacked the peak in 1929, 1930 and again in 1931, but none was successful. After the Sikkim was closed but Nepal was open. In 1955 a team led by Dr Charl as Evans approached the peak via the Yalung Glacier.
The Japanese then took up the challenge and mounted expeditions in 1967, 1973 and n1974. When they climbed Yalung Kang. A German Expedition climbed Yalung Kang in 1975, and in Indian army team mounted the second successful expeditions to the main peak of Kanchanjunga.


29 March 2012 Day 01: Arrival Kathmandu, transfer to hotel
30 March 2012 Day 02: Prepare for expedition & briefing
31 March 2012 Day 03: Drive to Ilam, Fhidim, Kabeli Khola -Camp
01 April 2012 Day 04: Kabeli Khola – Sikaicha - Camp
02 April 2012 Day 05: Sikaicha – Khesewa - Camp
03 April 2012 Day 06 : Khesewa – Mamankhe - Camp
04 April 2012 Day 07: Mamakhe – Yamphudin 1670m - Camp
05 April 2012 Day 08: Yamphudin – Chittre (Omje Khola) Camp
06 April 2012 Day 09: Chittre – Torontan - Camp
07 April 2012 Day 10: Torontan – Tseram - Camp
08 April 2012 Day 11: Tseram – Ramze - Camp
09 April 2012 Day 12: Ramze – Glacier - Camp
10 April 2012 Day 13: Glacier – Kanchanjunga Base Camp
11 April 2012 - 07 May 2012 Day 14 –40: Climbing period Kanchanjunga 8586m.
08 May 2012 Day 41: Base Camp – Ramje - Camp
09 May 2012 Day 42: Ramje – Amije Khole - Camp
10 May 2012 Day 43: Amije – Yamphudin - Camp
11 May 2012 Day 44: Yamphuding – Khewang - Camp
12 May 2012 Day 45: Khewang – Panchami - Camp
13 May 2012 Day 46: Panchami - Ghopetar
14 May 2012 Day 47: Ghopetar drive to Biratnagar & fly back Kathmandu
15-16 May 2012 Day 48-49: Kathmandu
17 May 2012 Day 50: Final departure, transfer to airport

Cost Includes:

  • Permit Fee (Royalty) Kanchanjunga
  • 5 nights hotel in Kathmandu with bed & breakfast
  • Itinerary is all drive to Ilam Bazaar, drive to Biratnagar & fly Kathmandu.
  • Full board trekking with lodge & Food for BC Expedition period
  • Porter or Kanchanjunga BC & while back
  • Equipment: trekking equipment for BC, 1 tent for 2 persons, dining tent, toilet tent, table and chares, Mattresses
  • All kitchen equipment for BC
  • Staff allowance, Liaison office allowances, equipment allowances, flight ticket, insurance
  • Permit and National park fees
  • All transfer airport-hotel-airport
  • Staff: Base camp Guide, Cook, Kitchen helper
  • All necessary taxes
  • Agency service charge

Cost does not include:

  • PERSONAL equipment for climbing
  • Personal Insurance of
  • Climbing food, Gas & stove.
  • Lunch & dinner in Kathmandu
  • Emergency Rescue evacuation by helicopter
  • Radio Permit
  • Climbing Sherpa,
  • Personal expenses etc.
  • Custom clearances in Kathmandu airport.

The technical difficulty of this climb is not high, but it is physically demanding with long days and sections with a lot of exposure. The trip is ideally suited to strong, experienced climbers who want to climb the peak in its own right, or to use the trip to gain experience for higher peaks in the future. To move efficiently and enjoyably we recommend you have experience of Alpine PD+/AD routes and /or an ability to climb Scottish grade 1/ll winter routes and previous experience of altitude of at least 4800m before.
Starts around seven am (not a problem as it’s usual to go to bed early!) with you packing your overnight gear into a kit bag before enjoying a hearty breakfast ready to leave camp whilst it’s still fairly cool. The pace on the trek will be leisurely with plenty of time to enjoy the scenery, take photos, chat to the locals and keep hydrated. Lunch is usually in a fine spot by the side of the trail and, most days, you will be arriving at our overnight camp mid afternoon ready for a well earned cup of tea. This leaves an hour or so to rest or explore before a three course evening meal. It is quite remarkable what the locals can produce in these remote circumstances.
The Post and Pre monsoon conditions experienced from October into mid-December. April-May are usually very fair, dry and stable. Daytime temperatures are pleasantly warm in the valleys (20-30C) whilst cool to very cold (especially with wind chill) high on Baruntse. Night time temperatures are cold to very cold (possibly as low as minus 30C) and you should make sure you have a very warm sleeping bag (-30c), an expedition weight down jacket and good quality down mitts.
Food on the trek and at Base Camp is excellent and designed to stimulate your appetite despite frequent altitude induced loss of appetite. Breakfast includes porridge and cereal followed by eggs (fried, boiled poached or omelettes) and either bread or chapattis with jam, honey, peanut butter etc. Lunch starts with juice and may include chips, rice, lentils, vegetables, salad, sandwiches, beans, tinned fish and tinned meat. Dessert is usually fresh/tinned fruit and tea. The evening meal always starts with soup (often with a healthy dose of garlic to aid acclimatisation) accompanied by poppadums, popcorn or prawn crackers. The main meal varies from local style – Dal Bhat (rice and lentils with an onion and vegetable sauce), Yak stew, momos etc. to western style – yak burgers, chips, pasta, even pizza! Desserts are equally appealing and include apple pie, cake, custard etc. You will not be hungry! Once on the mountain we use dehydrated meals supplemented by chocolate, muesli bars, cheese, nuts, salami, etc
IMPORTANT – The small print
Please note, flights to and from Lukla can be delayed due to the weather. Please be patient and bring a good book to read. If the flight is delayed overnight accommodation is included on a B&B basis. In cases of longer delays, optional helicopter flights are sometimes offered at an extra cost.
We allow one extra day in the itinerary for bad weather. If you are delayed longer (unusual) we can re-book your International flight but additional costs may/will be incurred. Tickets can be changed according to availability and the class of ticket, you may need to upgrade and be flexible on your return date. All additional payment would need to paid for in Kathmandu (card payments accepted).
We employ local staff to work alongside our own group leader giving employment beyond farming. We ask that you restrict showers to those lodges that have electricity or solar power, thus reducing deforestation. Be prepared to wash using bowls of warm water or ‘wet ones’. We recommend you dispose of burnable rubbish at the lodges but take other items such as bottles and batteries back to Kathmandu. Avoid plastic bottles of water by bringing iodine tablets and a refillable bottle to drink local pumped water. Soft drinks should be purchased in glass bottles that can be recycled.
Our itineraries generally allow sufficient time for your body to acclimatise. The best way to avoid any problems is to do everything slowly, walk at a gentle steady pace and drink plenty of fluid. Our leader will give an appropriate briefing on arrival.
Just in case your main luggage goes missing en route, it is a good idea to wear your boots on the plane. Most other things can be replaced but comfortable, well worn-in boots are more difficult to replace easily.
A detailed equipment list is provided on booking. Specialist items such as sleeping bags and down jackets can be hired or purchased.
For your own comfort travel light. Normally airlines restrict baggage to 20kg and the Lukla flight 15kg, but you will be wearing boots and one set of trekking clothes. Some items can be left at the hotel for your return.
US/UK citizens and most EU nationals can purchase Visas on arrival. All other countries should check with their local embassy. Passports must be valid for at least six months after the end date of the trip.
Most meals are inclusive, please see the key above. Individuals are responsible for drinks throughout and hotel meals which gives the flexibility to choose where you eat.
Nepalese Rupee. UK Sterling, Euros and US Dollars can easily be changed in Kathmandu. ATM (cash machines) are available in Kathmandu.
Tipping is generally expected and part of everyday life. We generally tip our own local staff as a whole. It is also usual to put approximately 1000 rupees into the pot for the Puja or mountain blessing – a very important part of Himalayan climbing.
No more departure tax required for international flight but have to pay Rs. 200/- (approx. $ 3/-) for domestic flight.
Everest Flight
An early morning spectacular flight over Everest.
Chitwan Wildlife Safari (plus 4 days)
You can round off your trek with a three day wildlife safari. This includes a jeep safari, jungle walk, river canoe trip and elephant ride combined with a cultural program in search of rhino and the famous Bengal tiger.