Andong Icheondong in South Korea

Andong Icheondong in South Korea has become a famous tourist spot as one of the major historic sites. The awe-inspiring Buddha statue stands on an ancient path staring out over the mountains of the area at Jebiwon which was a rest place for travelers on their way to or from the Sobaek Mountains. The 2.43-meter-high head of granite Buddha rests on top of a 9.95-meter-high and 7.72-meter-wide stone outcropping engraved with the Buddha's body.

Features of Andong Icheondong in South Korea

  • In the earliest days of Buddhism in Korea in the fourth and fifth centuries, the Maiterya Buddha was an inspiration and widely represented throughout the provinces. 
  • During the Goryeo Kingdom, these Maiterya or Mireuk Buddhas were raised at the entrances of mountains and villages. 
  • They were made independent of temples and were considered as spiritual landmarks rather than spiritual centers.
  • The Jebiwon Temple has been built near the statue, so the statue has been is also known as Jebiwan Seokbul or the stone statue.
  • The temple took five years to build and the legend has it that on the final day of construction, one of the builders accidentally fell off the roof and died. 
  • The worker's soul turned into a swallow and flew away. 
  • The rest stop was thus named Jebiwon after this legend, since 'Jebi' means swallow in Korean.
  • The Buddha statue, with its distinctive contouring, is in the style of Goryeo (AD 918-1392) Dynasty. 
  • This style of outline on a rock indicates that the statue dates from the around the 11th Century. 
  • It was designated National Treasure No. 115 on January 21, 1963. 
  • There are several fascinating legends associated with the Buddha statue.
  • One local story maintains that a Japanese general during his country's invasion of Korea in the late 16th century, beheaded the Jebiwon Buddha with his sword. 

  -   Another legend is that the Jebiwon stone Buddha gazed across the valley to a pine forest where it saw the Seongju god in the trees. 
  -   The Jebiwon Buddha told Seongju to enter people's homes to protect them and bless them.