Architecture of South Korea

Architecture of South Korea may be similar to that of its adjacent nations like China and Japan, yet it stands out for its own distinguishing approach. Being a glorious part of the Arts and Crafts of South Korea, the architecture of this nation has a long cultural background. Over the years it has gone through lots of modifications. Each age has its distinctive style and has produced some excellent masterpieces. However one thing which has remained common even till date is the simplicity, openness and innovation of South Korean Architecture.

The beauty of Architecture of South Korea depends a lot on the surrounding. Hence the very first step for constructing a Korean building is the selection of the plot. Be it a private house or any public construction or even a palace or temple, the natural surrounding always play an important role. A suitable view of a mountain and any kind of water body was necessary for the plot to be a good location. Hence you will see that most of the masterpieces of South Korean Architecture are located in the midst of picture perfect scenic beauty.

About Traditional Architecture of South Korea
Ancient Architecture in South Korea had been limited to only few types of constructions like palaces, temples and houses of common people. The Structural design of this time was greatly influenced by nature, which was evident in the various Buddhist temples spread all over the country. Moreover they also avoided over embellishment and believed in keeping the décor subtle. The buildings had quite small rooms but huge courtyards. The outdoor was considered more important than the decoration. Architects in South Korea also had a liking for designs made of wood grains. Apart from this most of the motifs carved in the Architectural Construction of South Korea were symbolic. For example artistic shapes of birds, feathers, deer and antlers were carved on gold crowns to signify the majesty of the kings and patterns of clouds were used for religious expressions.

About Modern Architecture of South Korea
The Contemporary Korean Style of Architecture is the result of a lot of experimentation, influences and new concepts. It presents a lovely blend of Korea's native cultural history, global ideas and techniques from different traditions and ages. Modern Korea offers a varied view of the creations of various architects and engineers from both olden and recent periods. At Present the Architecture of South Korea is surely an interesting assortment, there are private houses, temples, shrines and gates and even high-rising buildings adjacent to ancient royal palaces. A visit to this city would surely be a treat for the eye.