Ulsanbawi Rock in South Korea

Features of Ulsanbawi Rock in South Korea
There are three differing views on the name of Ulsanbawi. Some says that it looks like a fence and its name was copied from Ulsan of Gyeongsangnam-do. Later, the Korean term of   -  crying mountain  -   was transliterated into Chinese characters. Because of the way the whole mountain reverberates the sound of thunder in rain, it is also called Cheonhusan.

Ulsanbawi Rock in South Korea is composed of 6 granite peaks; with a girth of 4Km. the features of the rock include:

  • You can see the awesome scenery of Seorak Mountain, East Sea, Dalma Peak, and Haksapyeong Reservoir from the top of Ulsanbawi.
  • It is about 4Km to the top, which takes about 2 hours, and when you pass by Sinheungsa and take the wide path for 10 minutes, there is a bridge leading to a lone path.
  • In Gyejoam, which is under a large and round rock, there is a large boulder, which can be rocked back and forth by a single person.
  • Gyejoam is a small Buddhist temple built from natural stone cave, and you can look up at the view of Ulsanbawi when you stand in front of the rocking boulder.
  • If you take the steep path, about 500 m past Gyejoam, you can finally reach Ulsanbawi, reputed to be the largest single rock in the Orient. It is 950m high with cliffs on all sides, and there is a 808-step metal bridge which allows anyone to easily reach the summit.